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EVENING Series: Tuesdays, January 30 - March 19, 6:00pm - 8:30pm (in person)

MORNING Series: Thursdays, February 1 - March 21, 9:30am - noon

Included in both series is a Silent RETREAT: Sat. March 16th, 9:30am - 4:00pm


TEACHER Kita Mehaffy, MA, MFA

If you are dealing with stress, anxiety or overwhelm and would like to cultivate a way to manage life's challenges, MBSR is an evidence-based practice that can help you. Part of the extraordinary package of living is stress and we can't stop that. But we can learn to manage our response to stressors, cultivating a sense of control and calm, expanding our personal choices, building connections to a greater sense of inner balance and joy, and enhancing overall well-being. Through MBSR you will learn practical techniques that promote relaxation and build resilience to life’s challenges. 

COST:   $350 for one 8 week series and all-day retreat


Further info on the upcoming 8-week series can be found at:




Saturday, March 16, 5pm-6pm


FACILITATORS: Melissa Brock, DOM, and Adrienne Smith, Sound Healer

Melissa's and Adrienne's acupuncture sound baths combine an intuitive needle protocol with the beautiful vibrations of crystal bowls. The sounds of the bowls, beautiful and transforming in their own right, help vibrate the acupuncture needles for maximum healing. New to either modality? This is a fantastic way to try them. 


Third Saturday of each month from 5-6pm.


We will have yoga mats, blankets and eye pillows. Please bring anything else you need to be comfy. Doors open 10 minutes before the start of the event.

COST:   $40 +tax


Reserve Your Spot




June 1 -2, 9:00am - 6:00pm daily


TEACHER: Adrienne Smith, Sound Healer

This 2-day transformational workshop will teach you skills and techniques for working with Tuning Forks for healing. Learn to work with both weighted and unweighted forks, and bring it all together for a 1-on-1 session. Use these skills on family, friends, for your own self-care, or add Tuning Forks to a modality you already practice. No experience needed.

COST: $555 (Early bird discounts available)


Reserve Your Spot




WORKSHOP: Ortho-Bionomy® Basics: Focus on the Spine
DATES: Friday-Saturday, July 14-15, 2023

TIMES: 9:30-5:30

TEACHER Christina Montes de Oca, BA, LMT


Ortho-Bionomy happens from the inside out by accessing the person’s innate self-corrective responses. How does this happen?


By using a range of comfortable, non-force methods including gentle contact, body positioning and movement a practitioner learns to notice, and a client can feel, a response occurring Tension can be released and patterns can change. And because a change happens from within, results can be long lasting.


This class presents the history and principles of Ortho-Bionomy and basic techniques for the neck, thoracic spine, ribs, sternum, lumbar spine, psoas, sacrum and pelvis. Also: basic anatomy and functions of the joints, palpatory sensitivity, presence, grounding and communication skills.


Ortho-Bionomy is easy on the therapist’s body as well as the client’s!


No pre-requisite.


Class cost $300 if registered by June 23rd ; $350 thereafter

Credit: 14 NCBTMB CEs 16 Ortho-Bionomy program credits


TO REGISTER: contact Christina 505-986-9939 or


About the Instructor:

Christina Montes de Oca, BA, LMT, is a Registered Advanced Instructor and Advanced Practitioner of Ortho-Bionomy®. She learned the work with the Founder Dr. Arthur Lincoln Pauls, DO and many of Ortho-Bionomy’s most experienced Instructors over the course of her 35-year career. Christina has traveled both nationally and internationally to teach Ortho-Bionomy. She maintains a private practice in Santa Fe, NM


WORKSHOP: Ortho-Bionomy® Basics: Focus on the Spine
DATE Friday March 31 & Saturday April 1, 2023 9:30-5:30

TEACHER Christina Montes de Oca, BA, LMT


This class presents the history and principles of Ortho-Bionomy and basic techniques for the neck, thoracic spine, ribs, sternum, lumbar spine, psoas, sacrum and pelvis. Also: basic anatomy and functions of the joints, palpatory sensitivity, presence, grounding and communication skills.


Ortho-Bionomy is easy on the therapist’s body as well as the client’s!


No pre-requisite.


Class cost $300 if registered by March 17th ; $350 thereafter

Credit: 14 NCBTMB CEs 16 Ortho-Bionomy program credits


TO REGISTER: contact Christina 505-986-9939 or


WORKSHOP: Ortho-Bionomy® Phase 5
DATE: Friday, June 9 & Saturday June 10, 2023 9:30 – 5:30

TEACHER Christina Montes de Oca, BA, LMT


This class focuses on learning to notice the subtle activity of self-correction as it is happening, and to further develop a practitioner's skill set to facilitate and support a client's self-corrective processWe learn to sense both physical and energetic aspects of held tension patterns and their capacity to change from within. Phase 5 reflex techniques evolve the approach presented in a Basics class. In this class we will practice Phase 5 with different bony structures , tissues and fluids and learn about the combined use of different O-B techniques in a session.     


Prerequisite : 1  Ortho-Bionomy Basic class


Class cost $300 if registered by May 19th ; $350 thereafter

Credit: 14 NCBTMB CEs 16 Ortho-Bionomy program credits


TO REGISTER: contact Christina 505-986-9939 or


WORKSHOP: Pre-Thanksgiving Reiki & Sound Bath
DATE Sunday November 21: 3:00pm

TEACHER Margo Landon, LMT

INFO: Would you like to enter this holiday season embodying peace and gratitude? Before baking the pies and making the stuffing,
let's gather for a beautiful shamanic journey infused with Reiki. We will set  our intentions for our lives, relationships and community. A soundbath follows, encouraging us to deeply integrate our experiences. Allow the gong, crystal singing bowls, antique bronze bowls, tuning forks and more entrain to your nervous system, bringing deep peace. 





WORKSHOP: Pregnancy Massage Workshop, 16-Hour CEUs (approved by NCBTMB)
DATE Thursday, April 29th - Friday, April 30th, 2021

TIME 9am-6pm

TEACHER Julianna Santillanes, LMT, RMTI, NCBTMB Approved Instructor #650

INFO: This two-day training will prepare you to give safe and effective massages for women in all stages of pregnancy. We will cover an overview of physiology and anatomy of pregnancy through each trimester. Topics include common discomforts, applications and benefits of massage, as well as contraindications and pathologies during pregnancy. Each student will receive a resource-based pregnancy massage manual and a 16-hour CEU certificate in prenatal massage.  $280,00

TO REGISTER: please contact Julianna, email: or call: 505-310-5501 


WORKSHOP Light Emerging: The Journey of Personal Healing Through the Human Energy Field.

DATE Mar 21 10:00-5:00 & Mar 22 10:00-4:00, 2020


TEACHER Annette Gates

INFO Optimize Your Health and Well-Being and Overcome Disease in yourself and your relationships. For more information or to register

Cost: $275 if registered by Feb 14; $300 thereafter


WORKSHOP Ancestry & Other Lifetimes Practitioner Training

DATE Friday, March 27, 5:30 – 8:30 PM, Saturday, March 28, 10:30 – 4:30 , Sunday, March 29, 10:30 – 4:30

Friday, April 3, 5:30 – 8:30 PM, Sunday, April 5, 10:30 – 4:30


TEACHER Liz Koumantzelis

INFO Identify and heal ancestral and other lifetime patterns that may be negatively influencing and affecting you in this the lifetime so that you are free to be happier and more effective in the world. For more information or to register

$720/$75 for the manual



WORKSHOP Disconnection from the Collective Shadow & Cellular Activation Practitioner Training

DATE Saturday Feb 29: 9:00-6:00 & Sunday Mar 1: 1:00-5:00-


TEACHER Maureen Higgins assisted by Emily Graves & Lisa Howard

INFO Spend the weekend immersed in bright, light healing energy. Leave having learned effective healing techniques to detach yourself and others from heavy collective or familial patterns and more informed and connected to your unique gifts and life path work.  For more information or to register

$375/$75 for the manual


WORKSHOP Planting Below Ground

DATE Feb 9, 2020

TIME 1:00-4:30

TEACHER Judy Herzl

INFO Through writing, reflection, discussion drop into a deeper source of inspiration and intention setting to winnow out the unnecessary and to plant the seeds of your own personal growth in fertile ground

To register, please email, call: 505.577.0175, or register online

Sliding Scale: $75 Investing • $60 Valuing • $45 Honoring

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Santa Fe, New Mexico  87505

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